Sunday 27 June 2010

Hedging my bets

Well, this is the garden as it looks just now. This little flowerbed has been left as it was when we first moved in. We thought that the ideal thing to do would be to let it all grow through for a year to see what the previous owner had planted.

The weeds have taken over and now is the time for some drastic weeding.

Having cleared no more than a square foot of the pesky weeds and bending Susie's hand fork in the process, I thought that it was time to add a hoe to our expanding collection of garden implements.

So, armed with my new weapon, I ventured out this morning not long after 7am, to avoid the midday sun and do some weeding before boredom set in. Scraping away at the not so hard and dry soil (I watered this patch last night) I started to reclaim some of the land back from the weed army. Susie leaned out of the bedroom window some time later and told me that the weeds that I had cleared should have been left. They are still weeds, I thought. Weeds though they may be, but rare they are and should have been left at peace to flaunt their little purple flowers. No, said the hoe!

I stopped doing the weeding, but I still wanted more. Grabbing the hedge shears, I started to attack the little hedge along the front wall. It badly needed a haircut, and I thought I was the one to go all Nicky Clarke on it. While Susie had got up and came out to selectively weed what I had left, I started on the hedge. This didn't go too badly at all as you can see from this picture. Pleased with my effort, I tried to give the leylandii a trim. It still looks round-ish and it doesn't appear to be dead. There was a load of trimmings that came off of it and apparently, they dont degrade in the soil as they're evergreens. I suppose that is obvious. Susie cleared up what I had left behind!

First Post

First post on this blog. I thought that I'd start a blog to record my efforts in the garden of our new home. Who know how long it will last.